Sunday - 8:45 am - Bible Study Classes, Youth Ministry, Children’s Ministry

Sunday - 10:00 am - Worship Service

Monday - 6:30 pm - Men’s and Women’s Small Groups

Wednesday - 8:00 am - Men’s Coffee and Cornhole in the CLC

Wednesday - 7:00 pm - Bible Study and Prayer

Wednesday - 7:00 pm - Youth Group, Kids Club, Adult Prayer/Bible Study


Our main building is the brick building with the stained glass cross. Inside, we have greeters who can help direct you towards children’s classrooms, small groups, and our sanctuary upstairs.

Our Christian Life Center (CLC) is the other large building. The upper level contains our church offices and our youth center. The lower level is our gym, kitchen, and gathering space.

The white house is the residence of our youth minister. We also serve our food pantry out of the garage of the white house.

At Susquehanna, jeans are more common than ties, but you will fit in no matter what you’re wearing. We have people from all walks of life.

Our worship service is designed to help you connect with God in a real way. We don’t have fancy productions or professional musicians. We simply come together lifting our voices to the Lord in a heart of worship. At Susquehanna, we laugh and learn together each week.  We don’t pretend to be perfect, and we don’t expect you to either.  We simply help each other grow closer to God as we desire to become more like Him.  We worship God together and experience the Joy of the Lord with others who are on the same journey.  We all desire to be rooted and firmly established in God’s love.  We pray you will be blessed through worshipping with us

The message is carefully and prayerfully prepared to be relevant, Bible-based, and always pointing to Jesus. Whether we are discussing a particular topic or taking a deep dive into a specific passage, the goal is always to encourage and challenge you to seek God in your everyday life through the expository preaching of God’s Word. We believe 2 Timothy 3:16, that All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness.

If you need a Bible we have one for you. You can use it during worship service, and take it home with you if you don’t have one.

Finally, we have several rooms at the back of the sanctuary. The room with the tinted glass is designed to be a space that families can use during the service for nursing mothers or when the kids need a break. There are also bags of toys and coloring books for the kids outside of that room. Please use either of those resources if you find the need! The other classroom is used as a prayer room. If you need to talk to someone, you can find a deacon who is ready to listen and pray.

Wherever you are or whatever you are going through, you have a place at Susquehanna Baptist Church.